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Smith, Troy NIH/NCI
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello all,
We have installed R-2.0.0 on a Red Hat ES 3.0 server and have been
trying to
install all of the Bioconductor pkgs for a few days using the
#R CMD INSTALL package name
We continually encounter the same two issues. An example of the first
when trying to install KEGGSOAP:
[1] "Attempting to download KEGGSOAP from
[1] "Download complete."
[1] "Installing KEGGSOAP"
* Installing *source* package 'KEGGSOAP' ...
** R
** save image
Loading required package: XML
Loading required package: SSOAP
Loading required package: RCurl
Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) :
shared library 'RCurl' not found
In addition: Warning messages:
1: Package 'RCurl' contains no R code in: loadNamespace(package,
c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc))
2: S3 method(s) '[<-.CURLOptions', '[[<-.CURLOptions' were declared in
NAMESPACE but not found
Error: package 'RCurl' could not be loaded
Execution halted
ERROR: execution of package source for 'KEGGSOAP' failed
>From URL:
KEGGSOAP version 0.6.5
Warning message:
Installation of package KEGGSOAP had non-zero exit status in:
installPkg(fileName, pkg, pkgVer, type, lib, repEntry, versForce)
We have tried upgrading from R1.9.1 (using Bioconductor 1.4) to R2.0.0
R2.0.1. We have tried fresh installs of R2.0.0 and R2.0.1 on this
as well as alternate Red Hat ES 3 boxes.
The second issue involves RGraphviz when we use >getBioC("all"). The
following message pops up:
Package RGraphviz requires special libraries
to be
We are pointed to the faq on www.bioconductor.org
<http: www.bioconductor.org=""/> , which states Graphviz 1.12 or above
required. The system currently has the following Graphviz packages
We have also tried more recent versions, both RPM and from source.
Our current expertise of both R and Bioconductor is limited, and our
developers who actually use these applications are investigating on
own, however we though we would ask the experts. Any assistance you
able to provide is greatly appreciated.
Troy D Smith
Network Engineer
NCICB/LPG Systems Group
Contractor, Terrapin Systems
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