Is it possible to have edgeR output contigwise variance? I'm looking to determine within and between group variance.
Is it possible to have edgeR output contigwise variance? I'm looking to determine within and between group variance.
Honestly, I don't think that you're looking for the right thing. Looking for with and between variances from edgeR is a bit like looking for propellers on a jet plane.
First, variances are only appropriate for normally distributed observations. Variances are not an appropriate measure of variability for RNA-seq counts.
Second, within and between group variances are only a means to an end, not an end in themselves. What you ultimately need to do is assess differential expression, and edgeR provides a wealth of ways to do that. It would be better to use edgeR on its own terms, rather than trying to repeat a traditional analysis that is not appropriate for this type of data.
edgeR will analyze whatever counts you give it. Most typically these are counts for a gene across all samples, but they can also be counts for genomic regions, transcripts, etc. Supplying counts for a contig will work just fine; in which case, the tagwise NB dispersion corresponds to the "within group variance" for each contig. I presume you got the "between group variance" concept from ANOVA in linear models; the equivalent is ANODEV in GLMs, which is described somewhere in the edgeR user's guide.
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What is "contigwise variance"?
Has anyone solved this problem!? I have the same exact question: looking to determine within and between group variance for each contig.