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Last seen 11 months ago
Japan, Tokyo, The Systems Biology Insti…
I want to determine which "Date tag" a running instance of docker-R/Bioconductor has. I started the instance without supplying a date tag and now want to figure out which data tag it has (to make my analysis more reproducible).
I am following the example from "Docker and Bioconductor", section 7.2 Reproducibility (http://bioconductor.org/help/course-materials/2015/BioC2015/docker_and_bioconductor.html#reproducibility):
docker run -ti --rm bioconductor/devel_base
and then I type in a different bash instance:
docker ps
As output I get:
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 438916e74438 bioconductor/devel_base "/usr/bin/supervisord" 9 seconds ago Up 8 seconds 8787/tcp cocky_visvesvaraya
Unlike in the tutorial example, there is simply no date tag included! How can I figure out the date tag in this situation?
If you start the container with a specific tag, that tag will show up in
docker ps
:docker run -ti --rm bioconductor/devel_base:20150923
Output of
docker ps:
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 807278b92688 bioconductor/devel_base:20150923 "/usr/bin/supervisor 7 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>8787/tcp happy_ptolemy
Hi Dan, yes, thanks, I am aware of that. However according to your own tutorial the behavior should be different, as you write: "If you didn’t start the image with a specific tag, you can determine the tag of a running container with the
docker ps
command, for example [...]" (and then the steps which I followed, please see above). But apparently, this does not work. I followed the steps exactly like in the tutorial and I cannot get the information what the tag of the running instance is.Then the tutorial is wrong (I'll fix it) and you should specify the date tag when starting the container.
Okay I understand, thanks for the clarification!