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Last seen 11 months ago
Japan, Tokyo, The Systems Biology Insti…
I am using R/Bioconductor by invoking
docker run -p 8787:8787 bioconductor/devel_base
and then I point my browser to
to access RStudio.
What is the best way to terminate (quit, finish, exit) the running docker/bioconductor/rstudio process? Just Ctrl-C?
Yes, Ctrl-C does certainly work, this is how I currently terminate the process(es). I was wondering whether this is the recommende/proper way to do it, or if Ctrl-C has any downsides.
It is fine to do it. It does leave a container lying around (as you can see with
docker ps -a
but that's ok. You can avoid this in future by adding--rm
to yourdocker run