I am matching the PM and MM intensities from ReadAffy to the
probe$sequence from
the matchprobes package and not 100% sure that the order of the
intensities are in
the same order as probes in the metadata probe file. The list of
probe ids might be
possible from the probeset class but I don't know how to get the probe
ids equivalent
to the probe$sequence or the probe file.
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Lana Schaffer wrote:
> I am matching the PM and MM intensities from ReadAffy to the
probe$sequence from
> the matchprobes package and not 100% sure that the order of the
intensities are in
> the same order as probes in the metadata probe file. The list of
probe ids might be
> possible from the probeset class but I don't know how to get the
probe ids equivalent
> to the probe$sequence or the probe file.
> Lana
? i2xy
Try also
plot(sort(xy2i(hgu95av2probe$x, hgu95av2probe$y)), pch=".")
with and without "sort" to see what's going on.
Best regards
Wolfgang Huber
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Cambridge CB10 1SD
Phone: +44 1223 494642
Fax: +44 1223 494486