Dear All,
I am trying to process an affymetrix miRNA microarray that is shown to have 7815 rownames (miRNA identifiers). When I read the CEL files with ReadAffy() function :
RAW <- ReadAffy()
dim(exprs(RAW)) yields 52900 probes where there should be 7815. Affybatch object also says that there are 7815 genes but why expression file of the Affybatch object shows up 52900 rows ? This is dealt with in rma() normalization and there stays correctly 7815 rows but other normalization packages (vsn, ExiMiR) cannot deal with this and there remains 52900 probes after normalization. I would appreciate if you could let me know what is going on. Thanks
With kind regards,
Alperen Taciroglu
It seems vsnrma() correctly returns 7815 rows. Thanks very much