Dear Dr. Stadler,
I am trying to start QuasR package with the RNA-seq BAM files I already have from paired end reads. This is my sample_file.txt:
FileName SampleName
C_mapped.bam Sample1
D_mapped.bam Sample2
> proj2 <- qAlign(sampleFile, genomeFile, splicedAlignment=TRUE, clObj=cl)
Error: samples_rna_paired_bam.txt should contain the column names FileName1,FileName2,SampleName (paired end data)
and when I add paired status:
> proj2 <- qAlign(sampleFile, genomeFile, splicedAlignment=TRUE, paired='fr', clObj=cl)
Error in createQProject(sampleFile, genome, auxiliaryFile, aligner, maxHits, :
object 'fr' not found
Would you please help me with this error?
Many thanks in advance,
Dear Michael,
Many thanks for your prompt reply. You were right, I had two tab in my sample file txt file, when I edit it to one-tab file, I had no error with qAlign.
I have three more question, I have a big Stranded RNA-seq data set with many BAM files that are produced by TopHat2 and I am looking for intron retention and exon skipping in the BAM files. Is it still reasonable to use splicedAlignment=TRUE in the qalign command, As I did not use splicediff for mapping?
And Can I say the KnownIntrons which coming after exonJunctions count are referring to the intron retention in my data? What about exon skipping, Are they included in the exonBodyLevels?
Many thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,
Dear Michael,
I have a new question. Is that possible to link the "exonjunctions" output to the related gene IDs. I could do this for the exon levels. But is there any way for the Junctions as well?
Kind Regards,