I know variations on this question have been asked and I have read them, but I'd like to verify what I am doing is correct. I want to find genes that are differentially expressed between any of my samples at once as one would do in an ANOVA.
This is what I normally do, to find those DE between two different treatments:
colnames(design) <- c('V1', 'V2', 'V4', 'V6', 'V8', 'SERO') # sero is a covariate
contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts('V1-V2', 'V1-V4', 'V1-V6', 'V1-V8', levels = design)
matrix <- data.matrix(data2)
fit <- lmFit(matrix,design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
top2 <- topTable(fit2,coef=4,number=Inf,sort.by="P")
sig <- subset(top2, P.Value<0.05)
This is what I have done to get DE genes between any condition. I am not sure if this is correct.
anova <- topTableF(fit2, number=Inf)
anova_sig <- subset(anova, P.Value <= 0.05)
I guess I will have to correct these p values for multiple testing.
Thanks again for your help.