Problem with visualising empty tracks from ensembl
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Tom • 0
Last seen 9.0 years ago
European Union


I'm having some problems creating empty tracks from ENSEMBL data. If the region of interest is empty on the ENSEMBL database then an empty track can be created. The problem I'm having is when features are present in the region but I want to select and display a feature which isn't (so produce an empty track). This returns the error:

Error in .fillWithDefaults(range, defaults[missing], args[missing], len = nrow(range)) : The mandatory argument 'NA' is missing with no default

I have included some examples below which hopefully help show the problem I'm having. The blank table produced when a selection of a non existent element is made looks identical to the table produced when no data is returned from ENSEMBL.

Is there a way to create an empty track in this case?


No data from ENSEMBL

There is no issue to visualise, even if a selection is made from list of particular features an empty plot can still be created.


gen <- 'hg38'
chr <- 1
start <- 1
end <- 1000
featureDisplay <- “Promoter”

biomTrack <- NULL
martfunc <- NULL
biomTrackDislay <- NULL

genTrunk <- gsub("\\..*","",gen)

martfunc <- useMart("regulation", dataset = "hsapiens_regulatory_feature")

biomTrack <- getBM(c("chromosome_name", "chromosome_start","chromosome_end",
                     "feature_type_name"),filters = c("chromosome_name","start","end"),
                      values = list(chrEnsembl, start, end), mart = martfunc)

 biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack

   if( !("all" %in% featureDisplay) ) {
    biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack[which(biomTrack$feature_type_name %in% featureDisplay),]

  data_trackfunc <- AnnotationTrack(genome = genTrunk,chromosome=chrEnsembl,
                    strand ="*",start=biomTrackDislay[,2],end=biomTrackDislay[,3],
                    name = " Regulatory Features ENSEMBL",stacking="dense", col.line = "black",                         
                    col = NULL, collapse= FALSE)




[1] chromosome_name   chromosome_start  chromosome_end    feature_type_name
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
AnnotationTrack ' Regulatory Features ENSEMBL'
| genome: hg38
| active chromosome: 1
| annotation features: 0

Data from ENSEMBL without selection

Range increased so features are present with in the region but no selection of features is made, this also creates a plot without any problems.


gen <- 'hg38'
chr <- 1
start <- 1
end <- 10000
featureDisplay <- “all”

biomTrack <- NULL
martfunc <- NULL
biomTrackDislay <- NULL

genTrunk <- gsub("\\..*","",gen)

martfunc <- useMart("regulation", dataset = "hsapiens_regulatory_feature")

biomTrack <- getBM(c("chromosome_name", "chromosome_start","chromosome_end",
                     "feature_type_name"),filters = c("chromosome_name","start","end"),
                      values = list(chrEnsembl, start, end), mart = martfunc)

 biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack

   if( !("all" %in% featureDisplay) ) {
    biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack[which(biomTrack$feature_type_name %in% featureDisplay),]

  data_trackfunc <- AnnotationTrack(genome = genTrunk,chromosome=chrEnsembl,
                    strand ="*",start=biomTrackDislay[,2],end=biomTrackDislay[,3],
                    name = " Regulatory Features ENSEMBL",stacking="dense", col.line = "black",                         
                    col = NULL, collapse= FALSE)




chromosome_name chromosome_start chromosome_end feature_type_name
1               1             9882          10951   TF binding site
AnnotationTrack ' Regulatory Features ENSEMBL'
| genome: hg38
| active chromosome: 1
| annotation features: 1

Data from ENSEMBL with selection

This is where the issue occurs, the same rage is used as in the previous example. if a selection is made for 'Promoter' (or any non existent element) when other other features (but not Promoter) have been returned this error occurs:


gen <- 'hg38'
chr <- 1
start <- 1
end <- 10000
featureDisplay <- “Promoter”

biomTrack <- NULL
martfunc <- NULL
biomTrackDislay <- NULL

genTrunk <- gsub("\\..*","",gen)

martfunc <- useMart("regulation", dataset = "hsapiens_regulatory_feature")

biomTrack <- getBM(c("chromosome_name", "chromosome_start","chromosome_end",
                     "feature_type_name"),filters = c("chromosome_name","start","end"),
                      values = list(chrEnsembl, start, end), mart = martfunc)

 biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack

   if( !("all" %in% featureDisplay) ) {
    biomTrackDislay <- biomTrack[which(biomTrack$feature_type_name %in% featureDisplay),]

  data_trackfunc <- AnnotationTrack(genome = genTrunk,chromosome=chrEnsembl,
                    strand ="*",start=biomTrackDislay[,2],end=biomTrackDislay[,3],
                    name = " Regulatory Features ENSEMBL",stacking="dense", col.line = "black",                         
                    col = NULL, collapse= FALSE)




Error in .fillWithDefaults(range, defaults[missing], args[missing], len = nrow(range)) : The mandatory argument 'NA' is missing with no default

Session info

R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                           
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    

attached base packages:
 [1] grid      parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rtracklayer_1.28.9   XVector_0.8.0        coMET_1.0.1          psych_1.5.6          biomaRt_2.24.0      
 [6] Gviz_1.12.1          GenomicRanges_1.20.5 GenomeInfoDb_1.4.2   IRanges_2.2.7        BiocInstaller_1.18.4
[11] S4Vectors_0.6.3      BiocGenerics_0.14.0 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.0               biovizBase_1.16.0         lattice_0.20-33           Rsamtools_1.20.4         
 [5] Biostrings_2.36.3         digest_0.6.8              plyr_1.8.3                futile.options_1.0.0     
 [9] acepack_1.3-3.3           RSQLite_1.0.0             ggplot2_1.0.1             zlibbioc_1.14.0          
[13] GenomicFeatures_1.20.3    rpart_4.1-10              hash_2.2.6                ggbio_1.16.1             
[17] proto_0.3-10              splines_3.2.1             BiocParallel_1.2.20       stringr_1.0.0            
[21] foreign_0.8-66            RCurl_1.95-4.7            munsell_0.4.2             mnormt_1.5-3             
[25] tcltk_3.2.1               nnet_7.3-10               gridExtra_2.0.0           colortools_0.1.5         
[29] Hmisc_3.16-0              matrixStats_0.14.2        gWidgets_0.0-54           XML_3.98-1.3             
[33] reshape_0.8.5             GenomicAlignments_1.4.1   MASS_7.3-43               bitops_1.0-6             
[37] RBGL_1.44.0               GGally_0.5.0              gtable_0.1.2              DBI_0.3.1                
[41] magrittr_1.5              gWidgetstcltk_0.0-55      scales_0.2.5              graph_1.46.0             
[45] stringi_0.5-5             pbapply_1.1-1             trackViewer_1.4.0         reshape2_1.4.1           
[49] latticeExtra_0.6-26       futile.logger_1.4.1       Formula_1.2-1             lambda.r_1.1.7           
[53] RColorBrewer_1.1-2        tools_3.2.1               dichromat_2.0-0           OrganismDbi_1.10.0       
[57] BSgenome_1.36.3           Biobase_2.28.0            survival_2.38-3           AnnotationDbi_1.30.1     
[61] colorspace_1.2-6          cluster_2.0.3             VariantAnnotation_1.14.11

Thank you very much for your help,



gviz ensembl • 1.8k views
Entering edit mode
Last seen 6.1 years ago

I can't seem to be able to reproduce this. From the code it looks like the empty data.frames should be fully identical between the two versions. So I can't quite see why this is failing. Are you maybe getting odd caching effects in the webservice calls to Biomart?



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