I want to plot two different gene loci using GeneRegionTrack() function in the same figure. It is not allowed looks like
grtrack2 <- GeneRegionTrack(txdb, chromosome = "chr6", start = 35995000, end = 40000000) grtrack3<- GeneRegionTrack(txdb, chromosome = "chr7", start = 35005000, end = 40000000) plotTracks(list(grtrack2, grtrack3)
Warning message:
In plotTracks(list(grtrack2, grtrack3)) :
The track chromosomes in 'trackList' differ. Setting all tracks to chromosome 'chr6'
How can I get around with it? In addition, how can I only plot one transcript from the txdb rather than all of them?
Ming Tang
Thanks Florian for the comments. I am just getting familiar with the package and have just finished reading the tutorial.
One problem I have is that the chromosome name naming conventions between ucsc and Ensemble. If I want to plot a Ideogram from UCSC and a biomart gene track together, I always have the warning that the chr name is different between tracks.
Anyway to get around with it?