This is my experiment:
2 groups - Intact and Castrated. Each group has 3 mice, so 3 mice in the intact group and 3 in the castrated group.
Each mice is starts with baseline diet, then shifts to Chow, then High-fat diet and finally calorie-restricted diet.
I need suggestions for the design matrix.
Thank you
So, 4 samples for each mouse; 24 samples in total? Also, what is the aim of your analysis, i.e., what DE do you want to find?
Hi Aaron
For the time being, I can consider one group - which has 3 mice. Mouse 1 gets these diets - B, CH, HFD and CR, one after the other. Mouse 2 gets these diets - B, CH, HFD, and CR. Mouse 3 also gets the same four diets. At the end of each diet period, a muscle biopsy was done followed by RNASeq. These is a paired experiment with the same subject getting all four different diets , similar to example in the edgeR manual about normal and carcinoma tissue from the same individual.
To create the design matrix, this is my R code
mice <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3))
diet <- factor(c("B", "CH", "H", "CR", "B", "CH", "H", "CR", "B", "CH", "H", "CR"))
data.frame(Sample=colnames(cds), mice, diet)
design <- model.matrix(~mice+diet)
This makes the mouse 1 as ref and diet B as ref.
Now, I want to compare diet CH vs diet B ?? How can I do that?
Thank you