Hi there,
I want to draw only one gene model in one genomic range ( some genes have overlapping ranges).
How can I do it using GeneRegionTrack in the Gviz package?
I read the tutorial,
" Alternatively, one can provide the Ensembl trancript or gene id via the transcript or gene arguments, or an Entrez id via the entrez argument. In all of these cases the constructor will also fetch models for other genes that overlap the same region. If that is not desired one needs to provide an explicit Biomart filter.
biomTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(genome = "hg19", name = "ENSEMBL", symbol = "ABCB5") plotTracks(biomTrack)
How can I specify the filter here?
Ming Tang
Thanks for your answer. It solved my question. Now I want only one specific transcript, but it gave an error. I checked that
with_ens_hs_transcript is a valid filter.
I am not a biomaRt expert but I would say that the filter "
" is used to restrict the output only to items with Ensembl Human Transcript IDs but you cannot use it to filter for specific transcript it. For that you need to use filter called "ensembl_transcript_id". Something like this might work for you:Yes, you are right. Thank you very much!