Hi Juan,
There are several possible answers to this depending on exactly what you are starting with and what you want to find at the end. I will make one guess about what you wanted here but others may have other ideas. If your starting point is a range then you could do this:
First lets assume you know where your SNP is and that you can make a GRanges object to represent that
gr <- GRanges(seqnames='chr5', IRanges(174152000, width=200), strand='+')
Then lets see which genes this region overlaps with...
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
locateVariants(gr, txdb, AllVariants())
Notice that it overlaps with gene 4488 (entrez gene ID), so how can we look up homologs?
Well one approach is to use the inparanoid resources in the AnnotationHub:
ah = AnnotationHub()
ahp = query(ah, 'Inparanoid8Db')
At this point we have 268 different species to choose from, lets look at human since that is what we started with
ahph = query(ahp, 'Homo sapiens')
human = ahph[[1]]
Now lets see what kind of keys we can use to query this resource:
head(keys(human, 'HOMO_SAPIENS'))
Those are uniprot IDs. We can look those up using an OrgDb. Lets get the OrgDb for human and translate the entrez gene ID 4488 into a uniprot ID:
Org.Hs = query(ah, c('OrgDb','Homo sapiens'))[[1]]
ids <- mapIds(Org.Hs, '4488', 'UNIPROT', 'ENTREZID')
Now we can look up the matching entrez gene IDs from mouse (for example) using select() like so:
select(human, ids, 'MUS_MUSCULUS', 'HOMO_SAPIENS')
Hope this helps,