Dear goseq developers:
Hello ,my name is Xu,ZhengZheng ,a student of Beijing Institute of Gennomics ,Chinese Academics of Science. After I use edgeR to do difference Gene expression ,I happy to known that I can use R package(goseq) to do GO analysis, thanks for your good job for this package, But when I use it I come cross some problems,I'm confused about that,because I strictly follow the goseq manual;I don't known how to conquer them:
Question1:why pwf ojects come cross NA,but also still shows DE("1")?
Question2:when I use goseq(pwf,"hg38","refGene"),it pop-up code with errors:
in names(tmp) = rep(names(map),times=as.numeric(summary(map)[,:attempt to set an attribute on NULL
the URL "" has the problem picture and the rawdata and my analysis code and error;
thanks for your attention! but I do comfirmly that I use hg38 refGene from ucsc.
Hi, Gordon Smyth!
thanks for your advice ,I know how to solove the first question.Can you tell me how to solve the sencond question ? thank you!