I have timecourse microarray data generated from cell culture experiment. Three replicates were taken from the culture (three biological replicates - R1, R2 and R3), and, further on each replicate three treatments were given (T1, T2 and T3). For each treatment, cells were harvested at 12hrs, 24hrs, 48hrs and 72 hrs (H1, H2, H3 and H4, respectively). For all the replicates there was a common starting point of 0hrs without any treatment.
FileName Subject Group Time
Ctrl_0h_Rep1 R1 Ctrl H0
Ctrl_0h_Rep2 R2 Ctrl H0
Ctrl_0h_Rep3 R3 Ctrl H0
T1_12h_Rep1 R1 T1 H1
T1_12h_Rep2 R2 T1 H1
T1_12h_Rep3 R3 T1 H1
T1_24h_Rep1 R1 T1 H2
T1_24h_Rep2 R2 T1 H2
T1_24h_Rep3 R3 T1 H2
T1_48h_Rep1 R1 T1 H3
T1_48h_Rep2 R2 T1 H3
T1_48h_Rep3 R3 T1 H4
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
T3_72h_Rep1 R1 T3 H5
T3_72h_Rep2 R2 T3 H5
T3_72h_Rep3 R3 T3 H5
Objective of the experiment is to identify genes that are specifically differentially regulated on each treatment.
As treatment samples are related within each replicate (can I take them as independent??), I am using duplicateCorrelation() function in limma. Here is the code I am using-
Time <- as.numeric(factor(targets$Time))
Group <- factor(targets$Group)
X <- ns(Time,df=3)
design <- model.matrix(~0+Group+Group:X)
corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(dt,design,block=targets$Subject)
colnames(design) <- make.names(colnames(design))
fit <- lmFit(dt,design, block=targets$Subject,correlation=corfit$consensus)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
### T2 vs T1
cont.mat <- makeContrasts(GroupT2.X1-GroupT1.X1, GroupT2.X2-GroupT1.X2, GroupT2.X3-GroupT1.X3, levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,cont.mat)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
#### T3 vs T2
cont.mat <- makeContrasts(GroupT3.X1-GroupT2.X1, GroupT3.X2-GroupT2.X2, GroupT3.X3-GroupT2.X3,levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,cont.mat)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
#### T3 vs T1
cont.mat <- makeContrasts(GroupT3.X1-GroupT1.X1, GroupT3.X2-GroupT1.X2, GroupT3.X3-GroupT1.X3,levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit,cont.mat)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
I am planning to use Venn diagrams to get Treatment specific genes.
When I run this code, I am facing problems with Ctrl samples, as expected. Is there any other way to add these samples ? or should I remove them from the analysis ?
- In spite of using the splines, can I in any way extract genes that have minimum 2 fold change in at least one time point?
- Why am I getting very less number of genes with adj p-value < 0.1? If I decrease the df of spline curve to 2, numbers are decreasing further.
- Is limma the better way to do this kind of analysis or should I shift to any other package?
I presume T1_48h_Rep3 is meant to have time H3, and T3_72h_Rep1 is meant to have time H4.