Gviz: plotting mean values of biological replicates
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Last seen 9.2 years ago


Fist of all, Gviz i a great tool and even a 'wet lab guy' like myself can handle it. Thanks! However, I have a question.

I have been plotting some stranded RNA-seq data and it seems to work fine. I get nice graphs (histogram) where I see reads mapped to + or - strand. I have three biological replicates of 'control' and 'treated' samples and instead of plotting all of them separately, I would like to plot mean values of three replicates . How I do that? I thought that grouping could be solution, but unfortunately data grouping is not so well explained in the tutorial. Probably this is something very intuitive for R gurus :). Please advise.



gviz • 2.4k views
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Last seen 6.1 years ago

Hi Toomas,

you should give us a little more detail of what you are trying to do. Did you read in your RNA-seq data into an AlignmentsTrack object? Or did you already start from a coverage representation and use a DataTrack object to plot these histograms? 


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Thanks for the reply. I read my data as DataTrack object that has importFunction to count strand information

EGFP_C= DataTrack('/Users/RNA_seq/C/C_aligned.sorted.bam', genome="hg19", chromosome=myChr, importFunction=strandedBamImport, stream=TRUE, legend=TRUE, col=c("cornflowerblue","purple"), groups=c("Forward","Reverse"),ylim=c(-200,50),name='EGFP_C')

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Last seen 9 hours ago
United States

Have you read pages 20-23 of the Gviz user's guide?

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Last seen 8.7 years ago
Spain/Barcelona/Centre for Genomic Regu…

Hi Toomas.

I've had the same problem with plotting ChIP-seq data. I got around it by using GenomicAlignments tools, which IMO gives you a bit more flexibility than purely relying on Gviz. The general workflow is:

Read the region of interest from all the bam files -> Calculate the coverage over that region -> Divide by the library size to convert your coverage into cpm -> Calculate the average coverage -> Make a DataTrack object and plot in Gviz.

Here's an example code based on two replicates over two conditions:

# Get BAM file names and respective library sizes
bams <- list.files(".", ".bam$")
lib.size <- c(10e6, 11e6, 12e6, 13e6)
names(lib.size) <- bams
# Set target range
target.range <- c(5e6, 6e6)

# Set the chromosome and genome
chr <- "chr1"
gen <- "mm10"
## Make a GRanges object to cover the region of interest
z <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(target.range[1], target.range[2]))

## Read in the region of interest from all the bam files
param <- ScanBamParam(which=z, flag=scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=F))
x <- lapply(bams, function(x) readGAlignments(x, param=param))
names(x) <- bams

## Calculate the read coverage over the region of interest
xcov <- lapply(x, coverage)
# Library size normalisation to convert into cpm
xcov <- lapply(bams, function(x) xcov[[x]]/lib.size[x]*1e6)

## Calculate average coverage for two control and two experimental samples
xcov[[1]] <- (xcov[[1]] + xcov[[2]])/2
xcov[[2]] <- (xcov[[3]] + xcov[[4]])/2
## Subset to average coverages only.

xcov <- xcov[1:2]
grps <- names(xcov) <- c("Control", "Experiment")
## Convert the coverage object into GRanges object
xgr <- lapply(xcov, function(x) as(x, "GRanges"))
## Set the colours for Control and KO panels respectively
clr <- c("darkred", "darkblue")
names(clr) <- grps

## Generate DataTrack objects for reads
tracks <- lapply(grps, function(x) DataTrack(xgr[[x]][xgr[[x]] %over% z],
                         background.title=clr[x], genome=gen, name=x, chromosome = chr))
names(tracks) <- grps
track.list <- unlist(lapply(grps, function(x) c(tracks[[x]])))
## Plot the tracks along with the genome axis and annotation track - ideally would want to collapse
## the annotation track
plotTracks(track.list, from = target.range[1], to = target.range[2],
           background.panel = "#fffff6",
           lwd=2, col.line="darkblue", ylim=c(0, 1), type=c("hist"),
           col.histogram = "#f5a122", fill.histogram = "#f5a122", window = -1, windowSize = 1000)

Disclaimer: Reading in of bam files appears to have issues with R3.2.0. Apparently it's been fixed in R3.2.1, but I can't verify this. The code was written for and works with R3.1.1

Good luck!


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