Is there a way to retrieve history for specific packages? For example, even basic information such as when which version was released.
Is there a way to retrieve history for specific packages? For example, even basic information such as when which version was released.
Packages are maintained in SVN so the full commit history is available (the svn history is mirrored in the github mirror, Package versions at the end of each release are available on the release landing page, e.g., where 'release' is replaced by the Bioconductor version. Bioconductor versions are summarized here. I believe the GRAN project bisects svn revision to guestimate the non-terminal versions available on a given date.
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That's very helpful. However, I am not sure it answers my question entirely.
For example, you mention Rsamtools. The latest version is 1.20.4. I am looking at the source ( I see the changes, but the version numbers are off by several months and they don't necessarily change every time. As far as I can tell, I have to check the DESCRIPTION file to see the version. I see it changed from 1.20.0 to 1.21.0 on April 16, so 1.20.4 does not even exist according to the repo.
The latest version is in the 'devel' branch (git master), and is 1.21.13. You can see this in github (though the primary version control for Biocoductor is SVN) for the DESCRIPTION file and it's revision history.
For the current and previous release branches (ok, the github mirror does not import branches before the 3.0 release; these are available in SVN), switch as appropriate, eg., for 3.1 (the current release)
That makes sense now. On GitHub, I should be looking at the "release-X.X" branches.