I actually have two questions.
1) I tried to use run read.FCS() on some pretty big files, >1GB each. My computer (an old mac) kept freezing. Is there an alternative I can try? What is the general file size limit?
2) I decided to try this on a new and more powerful computer. I installed R and the flowCore package, but I get the error below that I never encountered before. Can someone tell me what the problem might be? Thanks!
> myFile <- read.FCS("sample1.fcs")
Error in if (usedBits < bitwidth) dat <- dat%%(2^usedBits) :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In readFCSdata(con, offsets, txt, transformation, which.lines, scale, :
NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
Your FCS may be using 64 bit 'integer' which overflows the R's 32 bit integer type. Try to convert it to 'numeric' (float) with the vendor software (if possible).
Thanks, Mike. But I don't have problems running read.FCS() on the same file with my old computer --only have the problem with the new computer and new R installation. Do you still think this is the issue? And I don't think I can convert the FCS file.
Based on what you described, the reading process stopped in the middle on your old computer, which I suspect never got to the point where the error is thrown.
One thing you can inspect your FCS without loading the huge raw data is to read the FCS header. Try to see what these give you:
Hi Mike,
Sorry I wasn't clear. I usually had no problem running read.FCS() on my old mac --not until now when I tried to process some bigger files that are > 1GB. I tried the running the read.FCSheader() command as you suggested and it has no problem. Is there anyway way to read FCS files in blocks? Alternatively I want to try this on a new Windows computer but run into error (even with a small FCS file that I have no problem with on my old mac).
Could you post the result of these commands on your new computer?
Hi Mike, the error is as I posted in my original post. This is a small FCS file that I have no problem with on my old mac, but can't get it to work on my new computer.
> myFile <- read.FCS("Plate1.fcs")
Error in if (usedBits < bitwidth) dat <- dat%%(2^usedBits) :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In readFCSdata(con, offsets, txt, transformation, which.lines, scale, :
NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
With regard to file size, I think MATLAB has a 2BG file size limit. I am not familiar with R. Is there a max file size that we can read in?