I'm using the RSVSim package to simulate structural variants in a genome. When simulating translocations it works fine with up to around 10, but when trying to simulate 20 or more I get an error. Does anybody know if and how it is possible to create more translocations in RSVSim or if there is an absolute maximum at around 10.
The command I use is:
sim = simulateSV(genome=genome, dels=50, invs=50, dups=50, trans=100, sizeDels=sizeDels, sizeInvs=sizeInvs, sizeDups=sizeDups, percSNPs=0.1, bpFlankSize=50, repeatBias=TRUE, repeatMaskerFile="hg19.fa.out", seed=223456)
and the response I get when running:
Calculating coordinates: 100 translocations
|======== | 12%
Error in sample.int(length(x), size, replace, prob) :
invalid first argument
Calls: simulateSV ... simulateSV -> .simTranslocationPositions -> sample -> sample.int