Hi all,
I need to analyze my RNA seq data of my project consisting of:
1 pathogen (2 condition Healthy vs Infected)
2 plant cultivars
2 plant tissues
3 replicates for infected
2 replicates for Healthy
Now I have the raw count data (after Bowtie alignment and Seqmonk
quantitation) and I need to setup a condition table for running DESeq2
in RStudio.
Could you please take a look to this my idea of condition table (above)?
I have thought to do two independent analysis or you believe is it
possible to do analysis of all condition in only one step? if yes in
which way?
Could you suggest me other specific tutorial to run DESeq for my purpose?
I will appreciate your help,Thanks in advance,
condition type tissue
infected inf xylem Cultivar1
infected inf xylem Cultivar1
infected inf xylem Cultivar1
infected inf xylem Cultivar2
infected inf xylem Cultivar2
infected inf xylem Cultivar2
Healthy Hty xylem Cultivar1
Healthy Hty xylem Cultivar1
Healthy Hty xylem Cultivar2
Healthy Hty xylem Cultivar2
condition type tissue
infected inf phloem Cultivar1
infected inf phloem Cultivar1
infected inf phloem Cultivar1
infected inf phloem Cultivar2
infected inf phloem Cultivar2
infected inf phloem Cultivar2
Healthy Hty phloem Cultivar1
Healthy Hty phloem Cultivar1
Healthy Hty phloem Cultivar2
Healthy Hty phloem Cultivar2
It would be helpful if you told us what hypotheses you want to test. In general it can be more powerful to analyze all your data at one time, as you get better dispersion estimates. But that assumes that the variability in gene expression in xylem and phloem are relatively similar.
If you care to test for interactions (e.g., as an example, genes that react differently to infection depending on the tissue), then you need to analyze all together.
Stats Master Jim,
Fur us "stats posers", are there formal ways to test for "how similar is similar enough" regarding the variance in these situations to help decide which subsets of data to include data during the analysis, ie. the range would be (1) only data from the replicates "used" to assess the contrast of interest; to (3) all of the data -- where (2) is some number of samples between (1) and (3).
No long response required, but a pointer or two to either "well known methods" or previous posts, or whatever, would be wunderbär
I don't know of a test, but Gordon or Aaron (or Mike Love) might know of something. Anyway, Gordon had this to say about the subject: A: EdgeR condition-specific dispersion
I suppose if I were worried about a given data set, I would estimate dispersions separately and then plot to see if e.g., the trended dispersions were sufficiently different, eyeballometrically, to make me want to do anything but the usual.
I recommend that users make a PCA plot of transformed data to see if the groups have similar within-group variance. The transformation just learns the general trend of dispersion, if there are differences in the within-group variances, these can still be observed from the PCA plot of all samples.
Hi James,
you are right, the aim of the study is to demonstrate that cultivar 1 is less susceptible than the cultivar 2, and possibly to identify which gene are responsible of this different behaviour against the pathogen.
I'm not sure that the variability in gene expression in xylem and phloem are relatively similar,for this reason I decided to keep separate the four transcriptome (2 tissues of 2 cultivar). What do you think about it?
If you don't care to compare xylem to phloem, then it isn't strictly necessary to combine. However, if you are looking for tissue specific differences you don't have a choice.
But there is a tradeoff to be made. The more data you have (to a point), the better you can estimate gene-wise dispersions, contingent upon the two tissue types being relatively similar. In statistics it isn't often possible to know what the 'right' thing to do is. Instead, you do what is defensible, and you defend your choice by saying why you made that choice. So it is better to e.g., make some plots that you can refer to when you say why you did what you did.