I am using the DESeq package to do a DE analysis. I would like to plot the PCA plot and Dispersion estimates plot in r studio. However, I am running into errors.
I tried to construct an DESeq specific object called CountDataSet to hold count and pheno data:
y.DESeq<-newCountDataSet(countdata1, finaldata1$Group)
y.DESeq.norm <- estimateSizeFactors(y.DESeq)
y.DESeq.norm2<- estimateDispersions(y.DESeq.norm, method="blind")
vsd <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(y.DESeq.norm2)
I got errors like "unable to find an inherited method for function ‘normalizationFactors’ for signature ‘"CountDataSet"’, and the same for plotDispEsts(y.DESeq.norm).
Does anyone know the reason and how do I fix that?
Thanks in advance
How is the data input for DESeq2?
is the same as y.DESeq<-newCountDataSet(countdata1, finaldata1$Group)
no but there is a similar function. It's easiest for you to check the vignette, all the steps are there in the first few pages: