I am interested in analysis of E-GEOD-37442. I have tried reading the data using:
#load package
#Change directory
#Read the sample and data relationship format (SDRF) file
SDRF <- read.delim("E-GEOD-37442.sdrf.txt",check.names=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#Read data
x <- read.maimages(SDRF[,"Array Data File"],source="agilent")
However, I get the following error:
Error in data.frame(FileName = files, row.names = names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) :
duplicate row.names: GSM919399_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_2_2, GSM919398_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_2_1, GSM919397_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_1_4, GSM919396_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_1_3, GSM919395_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_1_2, GSM919394_0361_ULS_252483510001_S01_GE2_105_Jan09_1_1
I had a few questions:
1) how can I tell if E-GEOD-37442 is single-channel or two-color channel
2) How to resolve the issue of duplicate row.names. They appear to have different descriptions in the sdrf.txt file.
I would really really appreciate any help.
Thank you!