I am using the ChIPpeakAnno package for analysis of my ChIPseq data. However, I am having some problems with the makeVennDiagramm function. I have three datasets to overlap. And although I am using the euler and scaled=TRUE I do not succeed in getting a scaled diagram.
makeVennDiagram (RangedDataList(peaksR[[1]], peaksR[[3]], peaksR[[5]]), total=100000, NameOfPeaks=c("A", "B", "C"), cat.cex=1, margin=0.1, cat.dist=0.07, euler.d=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, alpha=c(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), minoverlap=10)
Any suggestions how to do this?
For other analysis I have used the Vennerable package. Would it be possible to export the VennCounts (made by makeVennDiagram) into a data.frame so that I can use it as an input for the other package?
Thanks for your help!