I used topGO to perform enrichment analysis, giving him a list of genes with scores, and a function to select a subset in them for Fisher test:
topClusterGenes <- function(allScore){ return(allScore>0.7) } GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology="BP", annot=annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO=ensemblGene2go, allGenes=GeneList, nodeSize=5, geneSel=topClusterGenes)
I performed my test and at the end I would like to retrieve, for the signficant GO term found, which of the significant genes, (score>0.7) are in this GO term. But, if I use genesInTerm(), he give me back all the genes from my GeneList that are in this GO term, not just the ones that have score>0.7 ...
Is there a way in TopGO to do it automatically, or should I just filter it mylself?
Hi Lidia!
Thanks for providing the answer, it solved the problem I was having right now. If I can edit a little your proposal, instead of the inner sapply I would go with the vectorized form - I know we're talking microseconds here, but still I'd find it easier to read:
Just had the same problem. You solution fixed it, thanks!