I am happy to see that Limma is updated to handle RNA-Seq data. I have FPKM values for my transcripts. Can I use them directly as input to Limma? Is there any kind of normalization to do on FPKM values prior to using Limma?
Limma has been upgraded to use RNA-Seq COUNT data, not FPKM. You could use 'regular' limma analysis if you take logs and use trend = TRUE in your call to eBayes(), but otherwise most of the available analysis packages in Bioconductor expect counts. See A: Differential expression of RNA-seq data using limma and voom() for more information.
Is taking logs a necessary step for this analysis (if I choose to use Limma for FPKM values)? That would result INF in case of FPKM = 0. Is that internally handled in Limma?
Yes, you would use limma on log FPKM values. One typically adds a small constant to all the values before taking the logarithm to avoid taking the log of zero. Again though, FPKM is not the ideal input data for a differential expression analysis. See the link in James MacDonald's answer.
Thanks for your response. Just a quick question:
Is taking logs a necessary step for this analysis (if I choose to use Limma for FPKM values)? That would result INF in case of FPKM = 0. Is that internally handled in Limma?
Yes, you would use limma on log FPKM values. One typically adds a small constant to all the values before taking the logarithm to avoid taking the log of zero. Again though, FPKM is not the ideal input data for a differential expression analysis. See the link in James MacDonald's answer.
You can just add a small constant to your FPKM values (say 0.25) to account for the zeros.