News:Ensembl GRCh37 release 79 data update
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Thomas Maurel ▴ 800
Last seen 19 months ago
United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce that the first Ensembl data update for human GRCh37 (e!79) has been released on

We've made the following BioMart changes: 

  • Ensembl Genes 79
    • Split up the id list and id list limit filters to separate external references from probes filters
      • Renamed "Limit to genes..." to "Limit to genes (external references)..." and "Limit to genes (microarray probes/probesets)..."

      • Renamed "ID list limit  [Max 500 advised]" to "Input external references ID list [Max 500 advised]" and "Input microarray probes/probesets ID list [Max 500 advised]"

    • Separated the Variation page into Variation (Germline) and Variation (Somatic)
      • Renamed "chromosome_location" internal name to "chromosome_start" and added a new attribute called "chromosome_end" in the Variation (Germline) page
      • Renamed "somatic_chromosome_location" internal name to "somatic_chromosome_start" and added a new attribute called "somatic_chromosome_end" in the Variation (Somatic) page
      • Renamed "Chromosome Location (bp)" attribute to "Chromosome position start (bp)" in both Variation (Germline) and Variation (Somatic) pages
    • Renamed "external_transcript_id" attribute internal name to "external_transcript_name"
    • Added "Transcript length" in the Features, Structures and Sequences pages of the attribute section
    • Added "Transcription start site" in the Features, Structures and Sequences pages of the attribute section
    • Added "GENCODE basic annotation" to the attribute section
  • Ensembl Variation 79
    • Removed the "_20137" from all the variation_citation attributes internal names
    • Removed all the "_20126" from all the regulatory feature attributes internal names and prefixed all the internal names with "reg_"
    • Removed all the "_20125"  from all the motif feature attributes internal names and prefixed all the internal names with "motif_" 
    • Added clinical significance filter and attribute to the structural variation template
    • Added copy number attribute to the structural variation template
  • Ensembl Regulation 79
    • Brand new Regulation mart, faster, easier to use and packed with new features. Feature set has been split up into 6 sections.
    • Added Band Start and End filter
    • Added Marker Start and End filter
    • Added Encode region filter
    • Added SO name and accessions for the 6 Regulation sections
    • Added EFO Term accessions for Regulatory evidence, Regulatory features and Regulatory segments.
    • Added  "Has evidence" data to the Regulatory features section
    • Added Strand and "Evidence" to the miRNA Target Regions section.
  • Vega 59
    • Renamed "ID list limit  [Max 500 advised]" to "Input external references ID list [Max 500 advised]"

    • Renamed "external_transcript_id" attribute internal name to "external_transcript_name"

For the full details of the release please refer to

Best Regards,


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