I´m reading a fastqc file. I want to generate stats based on this file. I have checked the documentation and seen the report that you can generate for a list of files.
In this particular case i would like to generate my own reports for each fastqc file individually rather than a global quality report such as the one provided by shortread.
The first question is i´m not sure id the phred scores are correct. My input file is a illumina pair-end file (this is case an R1 file).
fq <- readFastq(paste(path,"R1:fastq.gz",sep=""))
# get quality score list as PhredQuality
qual <- PhredQuality(quality(quality(fq)))
myqual_mat <- matrix(charToRaw(as.character(unlist(qual))), nrow=length(qual), byrow=TRUE)
> myqual_mat[1580:1590,170:175]
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 47 47 47 47 47 47
[2,] 46 43 46 43 2a 3d
[3,] 47 47 47 47 37 3d
[4,] 44 47 47 47 46 43
[5,] 47 47 47 47 35 45
[6,] 47 43 35 46 35 43
[7,] 46 45 3f 45 2a 2a
[8,] 3c 2b 3a 43 35 43
[9,] 47 46 47 47 46 47
[10,] 43 2c 39 2c 32 31
[11,] 40 23 23 23 23 23
The first question is that i have strange scores such as 2a 3d ... in the table. I´m probaly doing something wrong here but not sure what ?
My second question is that i want to generate the quartile for each base position so i need to transform this matrix into numeric. The current format is raw. How can i do that ??
thanks ,