Hi Everyone,
I am using Limma to analyze 8x60K Agilent Single Colour microarray data, however I’m confused about the interpretation of the interaction term
The design of the experiment is as follows:
I have 15 samples, with 3 strains of mice(WT, 4d, 4e), each strain has uninfected samples(PBS) and infected samples, (KPn) and 2-3 biological replicates for each sample
I’ve corrected for background and normalized between arrays, using the quantile method, filtered control probes and low expressing probes, and averaged replicate probes:
targets<-readTargets("Targets.txt") RawData<-read.maimages(targets,source="agilent",green.only=T) DataBG<-backgroundCorrect(RawData,method="normexp",offset=16) DataNorm<-normalizeBetweenArrays(DataBG,method="quantile") ##filtering low expressing probes neg95<-apply(DataNorm$E[DataNorm$genes$ControlType==-1,],2, function(x) quantile(x, p=0.95)) cutoff<-matrix(1.1*neg95,nrow(DataNorm),ncol(DataNorm),byrow=T) isexpr<-rowSums(DataNorm$E > cutoff)>=2 table(isexpr) DataNorm0<-DataNorm[DataNorm$genes$ControlType==0 & isexpr,] ##setting up Linear model DataAvg<-avereps(DataNorm0,DataNorm0$genes$ProbeName)#averages log intensities of replicate probes Condition<factor(targets$Condition,levels=c("WT.PBS","WT.KPn","mu4d.PBS","mu4d.KPn","mu4e.PBS","mu4e.KPn")) design<-model.matrix(~0+Condition) colnames(design)<-levels(Condition) Fit<-lmFit(DataAvg,design) ContMatrix<-makeContrasts(WT=WT.KPn-WT.PBS, Mu.4d=mu4d.KPn-mu4d.PBS, Mu.4e=mu4e.KPn-mu4e.PBS, DvsWT=(mu4d.KPn-mu4d.PBS)-(WT.KPn-WT.PBS), EvsWT=(mu4e.KPn-mu4e.PBS)-(WT.KPn-WT.PBS), levels=design) fit2<-contrasts.fit(Fit,ContMatrix) fit2<-eBayes(fit2,trend=T) results<-decideTests(fit2) summary(results) WT Mu.4d Mu.4e DvsWT EvsWT -1 11 89 210 0 0 0 55031 54752 54596 55254 55254 1 212 413 448 0 0
according to the summary of the results, there are no DE genes/probes between the 4d mutant and WT, and 4e mutant and WT. Yet mutant 4d had 502 DE probes, and mutant 4e had 658 DE probes compared to 223 DE probes in WT. How can there be no DE probes between the mutants and the wild-type? Have I set up my contrasts incorrectly?
Thanks in advance,