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Last seen 3 days ago
Germany/Heidelberg/German Cancer Resear…
Hello people,
i would like your opinion for using the appropriate package/version of SAM statistical test in r. More specifically, should i use the package siggenes which implements SAM or alternatively should i download the version from Standford University, which also utilizes R but runs as a pluggin from Microsoft Excel ? I'm asking because in Standfords web page is mentioned that is different from siggenes package !!!
Thank you in advance
Wait, were you referring to this sentence on the Stanford web page? "This is the package called by the new Excel SAM version 2.1. It is completely different from the siggenes package in R."
I think you misread it. The "samr" package is an ordinary R package that has nothing to do with Excel. However, the authors also offer an Excel plug-in, which seems to be built around samr.
This seems to be an outdated page, anyway. It links to samr version 1.2, but CRAN has a newer version.
thank you for your answer !! so, should i use samr, or siggenes ?