Dear Gordon and dear all,
I'm using the voom transformation on RSEM "raw" counts from TCGA (RNASeq experiments). To avoid problems associated with zero values, I added +1 to the original read counts.
The problem is that count distributions are shifted towards negative values, after voom transformation. And then if I perform a two-class comparison, I obtain some differentially expressed genes (with statistically significant p.values) that have negative values in both classes... I really don't know how to manage these negative values.
The RSEM log2 raw counts have the following distribution (I just selected 10 samples):
After voom transformation, the distributions are shifted towards negative values.
The code I used is the following:
library (limma) library (edgeR) a <- read.table ("RSEM_genes_data_raw_count+1.txt", header=T,sep="\t") dim(a) counts <- as.matrix(a[,2:11]) rownames(counts) <- a$gene_id design=cbind(NH=c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0),NL=c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1)) v <- voom (counts, design, plot=TRUE)
Could you please help me in solving my problem?
Thank you very much in advance
Additionally: I didn't see it in the OP's code, but take care that all "official"
examples suggest that you should first filter out low count genes before applyingvoom
. I haven't seen any formal analysis on why it must be so, but I believe Gordon previously mentioned it necessary to do so from their empirical testing (Gordon, apologies if I've misinterpreted previous posts and please correct me if I'm wrong).In general, low count genes don't have enough power to reject the null hypothesis. Now, the absolute size of the counts is lost during log-transformation, but this does not prevent loss of power in the subsequent linear modelling. In particular, the mean-variance trend fitted by
usually rises at low abundances. This results in a high sample variance which limits power for low count genes. If these genes will not reject, it's best to remove them to reduce the severity of the multiple testing correction later on. In addition, the assumption of normality for log-counts is not accurate when the counts are very low.I wasn't referring to (the perhaps mild) increase in power you get by not testing on low-expressed genes, but I had thought the issue was more that
had issues "correctly" modeling the mean-variance trend when you don't use a mild low-expression filter.For instance, imagine we don't remove low count genes prior to running
, then post-voom
you then remove low count genes before you do any downstream "normal limma" maneuvers (fitting/testing), you would presumably recover the same "power" by removing the low count genes before running the tests -- would you say that these two steps are equally valid?I, of course, can empirically test that, but I was just curious what the official party line is.
Sorry if I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill here, but my paranoia just comes from the simple statement in section 15.3 of the limma user's guide that reads "The limma-voom method assumes that rows with zero or very low counts have been removed". It's the "assumes" bit that makes me wonder, is all.
There are at least two issues with variance modelling for low counts. The first is that the variances become discrete, such that the loess curve doesn't fit very well. This also affects the estimation of the prior d.f., as the variance of the variances isn't smoothly distributed. For example, you can end up with many variances of zero when all counts are exactly the same.
The other issue is that residual d.f. are lost when you have many zero counts. Specifically, observations with fitted values of (log-)zero don't contribute anything to the total residual deviance of the linear model. The default
pipeline doesn't account for this and will end up underestimating the variance. This manifests as a drop in the mean-variance trend at low abundances, rather than the expected increase.Filtering to remove these low or zero counts avoids the worst of these problems.
Steve, you are correct in all respects. The official party line is that filtering of genes with consistently low counts should be done prior to voom, and the reason for this is more fundamental than multiple testing issues. voom fits a trend to the genewise variances. The variances are essentially undefined for very low count genes, and fitting a trend to undefined quantities is not a reliable thing to do. In recent versions, we have robustified voom so that it now protects itself from genes with all zero counts, but the general principle still remains.
Of course, all this goes beyond the scope of the orginal post, which was about a far more basic question.
It is indeed beyond the scope of the OP's question, but thanks to you and Aaron for taking the time to elaborate further.