Hello everybody.
I'm traying to use some cel files that i download from internet. In the paper that I found that the hibridation probe set in the experiment was Affymetrix Hum95Av2. Now, I would like to relate the experiment result with the gene annotaton. To this objective i looked in bioconductor fro the correct database. I found three that i thought were correct, hgu95av2 , u95av2 and pd.hg.u95av2.
To relate de data with the database i used the following commands (I tested it with all the databases) :
library('affy') library ("hgu95av2") setwd("/home/paumarc/Kopriva/cel/") data <- ReadAffy() my_frame <- data.frame(exprs(data)) Annot <- data.frame(ACCNUM=sapply(contents(hgu95av2ACCNUM), paste, collapse=","),SYMBOL=sapply(contents(hgu95av2SYMBOL),paste,collapse=","),DESC=sapply(contents(hgu95av2.GENENAME), paste,collapse=","),DESC=sapply(contents(hgu95av2UNIPROT), paste, collapse=", ")) all <- merge(Annot, my_frame, by.x=0, by.y=0, all=T) write.csv(all, file = "hgu95av2.csv")
Never the less it did not work. Can you tell me what do I do wrong or if I should use another database?