First I'd like to say that I've been reading several comments and and answers from the DEVs of DESeq and I am really impressed by the amount of time you guys spend helping the community - It is really great!
I'll briefly explain my experiment layout:
I have two plant genotypes - V and G. At the age of 8 days they are both susceptible to a disease. At the age of 16 days only the V genotype becomes resistant while G remains susceptible. I set G as the base genotype and 8 days as the base age - semi-arbitrarily.
I am interested in finding genes that are deferentially expressed in V@16days compared to G@16days but that are either:
1) Also different in V@16days vs V8@8days - these would be genes that have changed over age in V but at 16 then are different from the G genotype.
OR 2) are also not different between the two genotypes at the 8 day susceptible age. - these would be genes that are different between genotypes specifically and only at 16 days.
I hope that was clear. I'm also not sure if those comparisons will yield the same results.
My current code:
> dds <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = sampleTable, directory = directory, design= ~ genotype + age + genotype:age) > dds$genotype <- relevel(dds$genotype, "G") > dds$age <- relevel(dds$age, "8dpp") > dds <- DESeq(dds) > as.data.frame(colData(dds)) genotype age sizeFactor Gy8-1 G 8dpp 1.5476808 Gy8-2 G 8dpp 1.2473350 Gy8-3 G 8dpp 1.0026292 Gy16-1 G 16dpp 0.8744816 Gy16-2 G 16dpp 0.9254212 Gy16-3 G 16dpp 0.9347259 Vlpk8-1 V 8dpp 0.8519697 Vlpk8-2 V 8dpp 1.1328609 Vlpk8-3 V 8dpp 0.8136137 Vlpk16-1 V 16dpp 0.7955268 Vlpk16-2 V 16dpp 0.9571078 Vlpk16-3 V 16dpp 1.2402769 > resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "genotype_V_vs_G" "age_16dpp_vs_8dpp" "genotypeV.age16dpp" resV16G16 <- results(dds, contrast=list(c("genotype_V_vs_G","genotypeV.age16dpp")))
If I understand correctly - this should give me the results for the genotype effect at the 16day age. So basically V16 vs G16.
How would I then modify the results to exclude or include the other contrasts?
Thanks in advance,
PS I think this is similar to the point Simon was making in this post C: DESeq2: making specific comparisons between samples that have two conditions and from about a month ago