I need to know to apply fisher's exact test in database in binary format and snps in bioconductor.
I need to know to apply fisher's exact test in database in binary format and snps in bioconductor.
thank you very much, I necesto apply to my data fisher.test snp, the file is .txt format and contains for example this FENO rs3806933 with answers to whether or not given in 0,1,2 format. Just desire applies the proportional hazards model of Cox to these data and do not know how, so far I'm learning to work bioconductor. I appreciate your help.
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You will need to provide much more context to your question in order to get a useful answer. How is anybody supposed to know what a "database in binary format and snps" means? As for the business of applying a fisher's exact test, it's just
You'll need to know how to program in R a little bit, understand what statistical test/methods you want to apply, and how to implement those in R. This could be straightforward, but I think you might be more effective if you can find a local expert to give you a hand with getting started.