Dear bioconductor,
I'm a PHd student and started to study in bioinformatics. I have some data to analyze with bioconductor. But I don't known how to start analyze the data. Waiting for your suggestions. How should I follow a path.
Here is a sample of agilent data.
Thanks for your reading my message.
Best wishes,
TYPE text text text integer text float float text integer text text integer integer integer integer float float float float float float text text text text text text text text text text text integer integer integer FEPARAMS Protocol_Name Protocol_date Scan_ScannerName Scan_NumChannels Scan_Date Scan_MicronsPerPixelX Scan_MicronsPerPixelY Scan_OriginalGUID Scan_NumScanPass Grid_Name Grid_Date Grid_NumSubGridRows Grid_NumSubGridCols Grid_NumRows Grid_NumCols Grid_RowSpacing Grid_ColSpacing Grid_OffsetX Grid_OffsetY Grid_NomSpotWidth Grid_NomSpotHeight Grid_GenomicBuild FeatureExtractor_Barcode FeatureExtractor_Sample FeatureExtractor_ScanFileName FeatureExtractor_ArrayName FeatureExtractor_ScanFileGUID FeatureExtractor_DesignFileName FeatureExtractor_ExtractionTime FeatureExtractor_UserName FeatureExtractor_ComputerName FeatureExtractor_Version FeatureExtractor_IsXDRExtraction FeatureExtractor_ColorMode FeatureExtractor_QCReportType DATA miRNA_107_Sep09 (Read Only) 29-Sep-2009 12:14 Agilent Technologies Scanner G2505C US10133796 1 07-09-2014 15:59:08 3 3 9fa6daa0-31fc-4d0e-8222-a4019c10f815 1 046064_D_F_20121223 23-Dec-2012 00:00 1 1 384 164 36.6617 31.745 0 18.3309 30 30 hg19:GRCh37:Feb2009 254606412513_1_2 D:\ScanData\Tukuruk\140709\80\\US10133796_254606412513_S01.tif US10133796_254606412513_S01 0da40ae4-2ec3-4ef3-92c7-01db11da452f 046064_D_F_20121223.xml 09-Jul-2014 16:02:12 Administrator DEMO 0 0 2 * TYPE float float float integer integer float float float integer float float float integer float float integer integer integer integer integer float float float integer float float float float float integer integer float float float float float integer float float float float integer float float float float float integer float float float float float float float integer float integer float float float float integer float float text float float float float float float float float integer integer integer integer float float float integer float integer text float float integer float float float float float float boolean float float boolean float boolean float boolean float boolean float boolean float boolean float boolean float boolean ... * TYPE integer integer integer integer integer text text float float float float float float float boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean float boolean boolean float float float float float float boolean FEATURES FeatureNum Row Col SubTypeMask ControlType ProbeName SystematicName PositionX PositionY gProcessedSignal gProcessedSigError gMedianSignal gBGMedianSignal gBGPixSDev gIsSaturated gIsFeatNonUnifOL gIsBGNonUnifOL gIsFeatPopnOL gIsBGPopnOL IsManualFlag gBGSubSignal gIsPosAndSignif gIsWellAboveBG SpotExtentX gBGMeanSignal gTotalProbeSignal gTotalProbeError gTotalGeneSignal gTotalGeneError gIsGeneDetected DATA 1 1 1 0 1 miRNABrightCorner30 miRNABrightCorner30 5889.97 465.588 1.865756e+002 1.877887e+001 223.5 17 5.484242e+000 0 0 0 1 0 0 186.576 1 1 26.8687 17.0277 993.25 100.829 993.25 100.829 1 DATA 2 1 2 0 1 Blank Blank 5911 465.5 -1.488655e+001 2.131084e+000 18 17 5.459987e+000 0 0 0 0 0 0 -14.8866 0 0 30 17.012 -101.775 13.4022 0.1 1 0 DATA 3 1 3 0 1 Blank Blank 5932 465.5 -1.596166e+001 2.131084e+000 16 17 5.502248e+000 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15.9617 0 0 30 17.0844 -101.775 13.4022 0.1 1 0 DATA 4 1 4 0 1 Blank Blank 5953.22 465.478 -1.555838e+001 2.131084e+000 17 17 5.488457e+000 0 0 0 0 0 0 -15.5584 0 0 27.0811 17.1062 -101.775 13.4022 0.1 1 0
Thanks a lot.