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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Biconductor,
I am new to analysis of micro array data and I am trying to analyse a
two colour micro array data.
I was trying to reproduce the results in the paper
(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/experiments/E-MTAB-120/ ). In this
paper, the authors say that they have normalized the data using 1.
print tip loess method and 2. performed analysis using SAM.
1. From limma package userguide, I understand that we cannot
perform print tip loess normalization on Agilent arrays, therefore, I
have performed loess normalization.
Currently, I have run following code in R
targets <- readTargets("Psamples.txt") # Psamples contains the file
list from raw data.
RG <- read.maimages(targets, source="agilent")
RGb0 <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="none")
MA0 <- normalizeWithinArrays(RGb0, method="loess") #Normalization
using loess method
2. I have found that the siggenes can be used to perform SAM
analysis on array express data. The sam function requires data in the
form of matrix/data frame or expressionset object. The second input
required by sam is cl which is class labels.
I have used following command to perform SAM analysis
sam.analyse = sam(MA0$M,MA0$genes$ControlType)
as according to my understanding MA0$M contains the normalized data
and MA0$genes$ControlType contains the class labels.
But I am getting the error: The length of cl must be equal to the
number of columns of data. I am not sure how to correct it.
Please can you confirm how can I use data to perform the analyses. Is
there anything I am doing wrong?
-- output of sessionInfo():
targets <- readTargets("Psamples.txt") # Psamples contains the file
list from raw data.
> RG <- read.maimages(targets, source="agilent")
Read 251486817346_1.txt
Read 251486817346_2.txt
Read 251486817346_3.txt
Read 251486817346_4.txt
> RGb0 <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="none")
> MA0 <- normalizeWithinArrays(RGb0, method="loess")
> sam.analyse = sam(MA0$M,MA0$genes$ControlType)
Error in adjust.for.mt(data, cl, var.equal = var.equal) :
The length of cl must be equal to the number of columns of data.
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