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Konika Chawla
Last seen 8.5 years ago
I have created this webapp
(http://norstore-trd-bio0.hpc.ntnu.no:8080/Genes2GO/clearpage.do) to
makes a binary matrix between user specified genes and user selected
term to represent the gene annotations by either 1 or 0. Users can
specify just some query terms and the program will find the related GO
Its small and useful tool for biologists.
The tools uses annotation data from biomaRt and GO.DB to find GO
1) The tool is bit slow sometimes. Any suggestion to make it faster
would be helpful.
A small part of code is
"ensembl = useMart("ensembl", dataset = organism)
godata<-getBM(attributes = c(list_type,"go_id","name_1006"), filters =
list_type, values = genelist[,1], mart = ensembl)
2) Is it possible to show a progress bar on the webpage which could
represent how much time is remaining to finish the process. That is if
we can know how much time the process is going to take.
Thanks is advance.
With Regards,
Konika Chawla
NTNU, Norway
Phone +4772821344