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Bernard North
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have a list of Taqman assay IDs that I am trying to annotate eg
MSMB-Hs00159303_m1. They are all exon-spanning probe assays (ie ending
_m1) as described here http://www.lifetechnologies.com/uk/en/home
The Life Technologies website does provides some information for each
assay at https://www.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home/life-science/pcr
/real-time-pcr/real-time-pcr-assays.html. After searching for gene
expression assays for MSMB and clicking on "gene expression" a list of
assays appears eg Hs00159303_m1 and when I click on "view details"
I'm able to discover the Entrez ID is 4477, the UniGene ID is
Hs.255462, as well as other useful information.
I wondered if there was any automatic way via a bioconductor function
of obtaining such useful annotation of Taqman assay IDs. Often the
part of the assay name before the -Hs seems to be the HUGO gene symbol
(so that lends itself to BIoMart) but that's not always the case eg
NKX3-1-Hs00171834_m1 (NKX3-1 is not a HUGO symbol).
Many thanks in advance
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