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Thank you for providing limma user guide, which is of great help. It
is very clear on the guide of how to analyze time course data. But I
was asked to answer different questions.
The study design of my data is quite similar to that described on the
guide. There are duplicates for each of the 6 conditions. The code
below is from the guide.
> lev <- c("wt.0hr","wt.6hr","wt.24hr","mu.0hr","mu.6hr","mu.24hr")
> f <- factor(targets$Target, levels=lev)
> design <- model.matrix(~0+f)
> colnames(design) <- lev
> fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
#1. Which genes respond at either the 6 hour or 24 hour times in the
wild-type? Any two contrasts between the three times would give the
same result.
> cont.wt <- makeContrasts("wt.6hr-wt.0hr", "wt.24hr-wt.6hr",
> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.wt)
> fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
> topTableF(fit2, adjust="BH")
#2. Which genes respond (i.e., change over time) in the mutant?
> cont.mu <- makeContrasts("mu.6hr-mu.0hr", "mu.24hr-mu.6hr",
> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.mu)
#3. Which genes respond diï¬erently over time in the mutant relative
to the wild-type?
> cont.dif <- makeContrasts(Dif6hr =(mu.6hr-mu.0hr)-(wt.6hr-wt.0hr),
Dif24hr=(mu.24hr-mu.6hr)-(wt.24hr-wt.6hr), levels=design)
> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.dif)
But I was asked to find the changed genes under the following specific
1. Comparisons of the two types at each time point:
wt.0hr vs. mu.0hr
wt.6hr vs. mu.6hr
wt.24hr vs. mu.24hr
2. Comparisons of different time points in wt:
wt.0hr vs. wt.6hr
wt.6hr vs. wt.24hr
3. Comparisons of different time points in mu:
mu.0hr vs. mu.6hr
mu.6hr vs. mu.24hr
In this case, I was thinking to do the following but I do not feel it
right. Or should I subset the data according to each comparison to do
the analysis?
makeContrasts(âmu.0hr-wt.0hrâ, âmu.6hr-wt.6hrâ, âmu.24hr-
wt.24hrâ, levels=design) for 1
makeContrasts("wt.6hr-wt.0hr", "wt.24hr-wt.6hr", "wt.24hr-wt.0hr",
levels=design) for 2
makeContrasts("mu.6hr-mu.0hr", "mu.24hr-mu.6hr", "mu.24hr-mu.0hr",
levels=design) for 3
Any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance!
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