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Guest User
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello :)
I want to map GWAS SNPs (from http://www.genome.gov/gwastudies) to SNP
IDs using R package (with pd.genomewidesnp.6).
>From R package with this function (dbGetQuery), I could get all SNPs
IDs information (906600 SNPs). But I found something strange. Because
hundreds SNPs from GWAS couldn't map to SNP IDs (6.0 A???ymetrix
arrays IDs, e.g., SNP_A-8682034).
For example, I couldn't find these SNPs with R package: rs7023329 or
Somebody can help me?
Many thanks :)
-- output of sessionInfo():
con <- db(pd.genomewidesnp.6);
ids_All <- dbGetQuery(con, "select man_fsetid from featureSet limit
Info_All_add <- dbGetQuery(con, paste("select man_fsetid, dbsnp_rs_id,
chrom, physical_pos, cytoband, allele_a, allele_b, gene_assoc
from featureSet where man_fsetid in ('", paste(ids_All[,1],
collapse="','"), "');", sep = ""));
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