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I have defined a class `CoMeth` that is basically a
`SummarizedExperiment`. However, one difference is that I store some
important information in the metadata columns of the rowData, i.e. in
`mcols(rowData(x))`, where `x` is a CoMeth object. I don't want the
user to accidentally overwrite/remove this information if they update
the `mcols` so I defined the following replacement method:
setReplaceMethod("mcols", signature = "CoMeth", function(x, ...,
if (any(grepl(pattern = "^pos", colnames(value)))){ # The columns I
don't want overwritten/removed all begin with "pos"
stop("Column names of user-specified 'mcols' must not begin with
GenomicRanges:::clone(x, rowData = local({
r <- rowData(x)
mcols(r) <- cbind(mcols(rowData(x)), value) # The new mcols are
added to the existing mcols.
This method is based on the `mcols<-` method defined for the
`SummarizedExperiment` class and relies on the non-exported `clone`
function from the GenomicRanges package
So my questions are:
1. Is it okay to rely on `clone`?
2. If not, can someone suggest an alternative way to achieve the same
3. Is this the correct way to call `clone` in my package (which
already depends on the GenomicRanges package)?
Peter Hickey,
PhD Student/Research Assistant,
Bioinformatics Division,
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research,
1G Royal Parade, Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia.
Ph: +613 9345 2324
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