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Bahar ▴ 10
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Paul Shannon <pshannon at="" ...=""> writes: > > I offer below a short example of using rGADEM with MotifDb which you may find useful. > > The example motivates and then demonstrates "seeded" search, in which a candidate TF is provided to > rGADEM. (The rGADEM vignette illustrates the simpler task of de novo motif search. > > - Paul > > On Feb 27, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie) wrote: > > > Jose, > > > > Thanks for your kind word! > > > > You might want to check out rGADEM package for de nova motif discovery. > > > > Best regards, > > > > Julie > > > > library(rGADEM) > library(MotifDb) > library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) > path <- system.file("extdata/Test_100.fasta", package="rGADEM") > sequences <- readDNAStringSet(path, "fasta") > length(sequences) # 49 > > # you can use the UCSC genome browser to BLAT the first 4 sequences, one at a time, > # against human hg19, and see what TFs bind there > # > > as.character(substr(sequences[1:4], 1, 80)) > > # Once you blat, click through to view the blat match in the genome browser, > # and enable the "Transcription Factor ChIP-seq from ENCODE" track. > # The FOXA1 Tf has a high score in this region of chr1 > # for most of these sequences > > # obtain the reported motif for this TF from the Bioc MotifDb package > > query(MotifDb, 'foxa1') > > # MotifDb object of length 1 > # | Created from downloaded public sources: 2012-Nov-01 > # | 1 position frequency matrices from 1 source: > # | JASPAR_CORE: 1 > # | 1 organism/s > # | Hsapiens: 1 > # Hsapiens-JASPAR_CORE-FOXA1-MA0148.1 > > # now use rGADEM to do a seeded search: > > pwm.foxa1 <- as.list(MotifDb["Hsapiens-JASPAR_CORE-FOXA1-MA0148.1"]) > gadem.foxa1 <-GADEM(sequences,verbose=1,genome=Hsapiens,Spwm=pwm.foxa1, seed=TRUE) > consensus(gadem.foxa1) > > # [1] "nTGTTTACwyw" "GmwGrrrsswGGvAGn" > > # how do the 49 sequences match to these two motifs? > mean(sapply(gadem.foxa1 <at> motifList[[1]] <at> alignList, function(x) x <at> pval)) > mean(sapply(gadem.foxa1 <at> motifList[[2]] <at> alignList, function(x) x <at> pval)) > > On Feb 27, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie) wrote: > > > Jose, > > > > Thanks for your kind word! > > > > You might want to check out rGADEM package for de nova motif discovery. > > > > Best regards, > > > > Julie > > > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > Bioconductor at ... > > Search the archives: > > Hi Paul, Thank you very much for your example rGADEM and motIV analysis. I am working with a set of sequences in fasta format and looking for potential motif denovo. Once identified, I wanted to verify if those match with available databases (JASPAR etc.) However I fail to get already reported motifs using the same sequences. I copied the script below for your input and suggestions please. library(rGADEM) pwd<-"" #INPUT FILES- BedFiles, FASTA, etc. path<- system.file("extdata/mysequences.fasta",package="rGADEM") FastaFile<-paste(pwd,path,sep="") Sequences <- readDNAStringSet(FastaFile, "fasta") gadem<-GADEM(Sequences, seed=1, verbose=1, numWordGroup=3, numTop3mer=20, numTop4mer=40, numTop5mer=60, numGeneration=5, pValue=0.0002, eValue=0.0, maskR=1, maxSpaceWidth=10, useChIPscore=0, numEM=40, fEM=0.5, fullScan=1, slideWinPWM=6, stopCriterion=1, numBackgSets=10, weightType=0, bFileName="NULL", nmotifs=25, extTrim=1, minSpaceWidth=0, minSites =-1) motifs <- getPWM(gadem) print(motifs) Thank you very much for your comments. Bahar
rGADEM MotIV MotifDb rGADEM MotIV MotifDb • 1.5k views

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