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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 19 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
CSAMA 2014: Computational Statistics for Genome Biology (11th edition)
Bressanone-Brixen, Italy (South Tyrol Alps - half way between Verona
and Munich)
June 23-27, 2014
*** Registration for CSAMA 2014 is now open ***
This one-week intensive course teaches current approaches in the
statistical and computational analysis of large-scale experiments in
biology. The course focuses on the methods for downstream analysis of
high-throughput sequencing experiments including RNA sequencing
(differential expression) and DNA sequencing (variant calling), as
well as QTL analysis and high-throughput screening. Lectures also
cover essentials including statistical testing, linear models, machine
learning, visualisation and bioinformatic metadata integration.
? Introduction to R and Bioconductor
? Elements of statistics: hypothesis testing, multiple testing,
regression, regularisation, clustering and classification (machine
learning), visualisation
? Computing with sequences and genomic intervals
? RNA-Seq data analysis and differential expression
? DNA Variant calling
? Working with annotation -- genes, genomic features and variants
? Gene set enrichment analysis
? High-throughput screens
The course consists of
? morning lectures: 20 x 45 minutes: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 12:00am
? 4 practical computer tutorials in the afternoons (2pm - 5pm) on
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday