Hi all,
I have just analyzed some Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.0 ST arrays using limma and I found no significantly differentially expressed genes (according to adjusted p value being <0.05). I tried a few different filtering methods, including no filter, and I tried to analyze males and females separately (making separate esets) as well as together. I adjusted for batch dates as well. I have a sample size of 36 (12 per group). I did the quality control analysis on Affymetrix Expression Console (not in R) and everything passed according to Affy's quick reference guide and then I proceeded to read in the CEL files and analyze using the code below. Is there any step that I have left out, or anything else I can do to try to find significant differences? Any quality control steps in R that I should do besides what I've done already, or should I try a different multiple comparison method besides BH? My advisor refuses to believe that there could be no significant differences...
Thank you for your help.
#Load libraries library(limma) library(oligo) #Load CEL files from working directory celFiles <- list.celfiles() affyRaw <- read.celfiles(celFiles) #Normalize/background correct librarypd.mogene.2.0.st) eset <- rma(affyRaw) #Save expression set to an output file write.exprs(eset,file="maleLog2transformedNormalizeddata02202014.txt") #Adding gene annotation to eset library(mogene20sttranscriptcluster.db) my_frame <- data.frame(exprs(eset)) mogene20sttranscriptcluster() Annot <- data.frame(ACCNUM=sapply(contents(mogene20sttranscriptclusterACCNUM), paste, collapse=", "), SYMBOL=sapply(contents(mogene20sttranscriptclusterSYMBOL), paste, collapse=", "), DESC=sapply(contents(mogene20sttranscriptclusterGENENAME), paste, collapse=", ")) all <- merge(Annot, my_frame, by.x=0, by.y=0, all=T) write.table(all,file="maleannotateddata02202014.txt",sep="\t") #Filter background (very low expression) probes library(genefilter) ind <- genefilter(eset, filterfun(kOverA(12, 6))) eset.filt <- eset[ind,] dim(eset.filt) #Or filter by using antigenomic probesets as a measure of background(filtered more genes out) librarypd.mogene.2.0.st) con <- dbpd.mogene.2.0.st) dbGetQuery(con, "select * from type_dict;") #type of probes in my array: table(dbGetQuery(con, "select type from featureSet;")[,1]) antigm <- dbGetQuery(con, "select meta_fsetid from core_mps inner join featureSet on core_mps.fsetid=featureSet.fsetid where featureSet.type='4';") bkg <- apply(exprs(eset)[as.character(antigm[,1]),], 2, quantile, probs=0.95) minval <- max(bkg) ind <- genefilter(eset, filterfun(kOverA(12, minval))) eset.filtB<-eset[ind,] dim(eset.filtB) #Filter out control probes and background probes library(affycoretools) eset.filtC <- getMainProbes(eset) library(genefilter) ind <- genefilter(eset.filtC, filterfun(kOverA(12, 6))) eset.dblfiltmale <- eset.filtC[ind,] dim(eset) dim(eset.filtC) dim(eset.dblfilt) #Read targets file into R targets <- readTargets("Targets.txt", row.names="Name") #Make design matrix with only diet as covariate f <- factor(targets$PaternalDiet, levels=c("c","d","s")) design <- model.matrix(~0+f) colnames(design)<-c("c","d","s") fit <- lmFit(eset.filtB, design) #Make contrast matrix and models contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(d-c, s-d, s-c, levels=design) fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix) fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) #Show most significant differentially expressed genes- do for each coefficient separately topTable(fit2, coef=1, adjust="BH") #Show top F stats(sig. differences in any contrast) topTableF(fit2, number=30) # Make design matrix for 2 factors (sex and diet), adjusted for batch(date) DS <- paste(targets$PaternalDiet, targets$Sex, sep=".") DS<-factor(DS, levels=c("c.female","d.female","s.female","c.male","d.male","s.male")) design <- model.matrix(~0+DS+Date, targets) colnames(design) <- gsub("targets", "", colnames(design)) colnames(design)[7:9] <- paste0("Date", 1:3) fit <- lmFit(eset.dblfilt, design) cont.matrix <- makeContrasts( DvsCinMale=DSd.male-DSc.male, SvsCinMale=DSs.male-DSc.male, SvsDinMale=DSs.male-DSd.male, DvsCinFemale=DSd.female-DSc.female, SvsCinFemale=DSs.female-DSc.female, SvsDinFemale=DSs.female-DSd.female, levels=design) fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix) fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) topTable(fit2, coef=1, adjust="BH") topTableF(fit2, number=30)
Thank you Gordon. I looked up the R documentation for plotMDS and did the following code, using my normalized eset, and came up with the following error. Could you or someone else tell me what I did wrong and if I am missing some code? I am new to R and had never heard of plotMDS before...I don't really understand what dim.plot is.
Thank you!