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Phinney, Brett
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi everyone, I have been experimenting with using EdgeR with
proteomics data (spectral counts for now). I was a little confused how
the TMM normalization works on proteomics data. I basically just read
in my spectral counting data as a data matrix
And then
normFactors <- calcNormFactors(counts)
but I'm not sure exactly how it is calculating the normalization
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Brett S. Phinney, Ph D.
UC Davis Genome Center
www.proteomics.ucdavis.edu<http: www.proteomics.ucdavis.edu="">
cell = 530-771-7055
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I have doubt in context with the proteome profiling as you have mentioned, we can move forward with the limma/voom for the proteome expression profiling of the TCGA data. But the metadata information says that the proteome is in RPPA format which signifies the functional proteomcis therefore, would you please suggest something out of these which can be done for the RPPA format proteome expression ?/