I am carrying out a multifactorial analysis on edgeR according to the experimental design shown at the end of this message (which I called design.all).
My reference genotype being "Col", I created the following model matrix and its subsequent glmFit model, in order to see for expression modulation according to genotype, time, as well as their interaction:
matrix.all<- model.matrix(~gtype*time, data=design.all)
# [1]
# [9] "gtypeR24:timeT1.5""gtypeX710:timeT1.5"
fit.all <- glmFit (dge.all, matrix.all)
Following the 3.3.4 section of the user guide, I carried on as follows:
lrt.all.gtype <- glmLRT(fit.all, coef=2:4)
lrt.all.time<- glmLRT(fit.all, coef=5:7)
lrt.all.inter <- glmLRT(fit.all, coef=8:16)
Which leaves me with two questions that remain unclear to me: 1-Section 3.3.4. of the user guide states that coefficients 3 and 4 of the depicted example correspond to "the effects of the placebo at 1 hour and 2 hours". Why just placebo? Does not it include the "Drug". In my case, do coefficients 5 to 7 hence refer to "Col" at different times? Do they not include the other genotypes at the corresponding times? 2-Concerning the interaction, why does neither "Col" nor "T0" appear on the coefficients? Should not they be part of the comparison? Do I not need them to follow the difference between genotypes in time? Section 3.3.4.states that "(coef=5:6)...detects genes that respond differently to the drug, relative to the placebo, at either of the times (i.e.1h and 2h)
I thank you any help you could provide me on this. Thank you for your work.
Kind regards,
David Rengel
gtype time
Col.T0.R2 Col T0
Col.T0.R3 Col T0
Col.T1.5.R1 Col T1.5
Col.T1.5.R2 Col T1.5
Col.T1.5.R3 Col T1.5
Col.T3.R1 Col T3
Col.T3.R2 Col T3
Col.T3.R3 Col T3
Col.T6.R1 Col T6
Col.T6.R2 Col T6
Col.T6.R3 Col T6
OE1.T0.R2 OE1 T0
OE1.T0.R3 OE1 T0
OE1.T1.5.R1 OE1 T1.5
OE1.T1.5.R2 OE1 T1.5
OE1.T1.5.R3 OE1 T1.5
OE1.T3.R1 OE1 T3
OE1.T3.R2 OE1 T3
OE1.T3.R3 OE1 T3
OE1.T6.R1 OE1 T6
OE1.T6.R2 OE1 T6
OE1.T6.R3 OE1 T6
R24.T0.R2 R24 T0
R24.T0.R3 R24 T0
R24.T1.5.R1 R24 T1.5
R24.T1.5.R2 R24 T1.5
R24.T1.5.R3 R24 T1.5
R24.T3.R1 R24 T3
R24.T3.R2 R24 T3
R24.T3.R3 R24 T3
R24.T6.R1 R24 T6
R24.T6.R2 R24 T6
R24.T6.R3 R24 T6
710.T0.R2 X710 T0
710.T0.R3 X710 T0
710.T1.5.R1 X710 T1.5
710.T1.5.R2 X710 T1.5
710.T1.5.R3 X710 T1.5
710.T3.R1 X710 T3
710.T3.R2 X710 T3
710.T3.R3 X710 T3
710.T6.R1 X710 T6
710.T6.R2 X710 T6
710.T6.R3 X710 T6