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Hi Amel,
I am afraid the information you provide is not enough for me to make
any concrete suggestions. Without seeing the file how can I tell what
is wrong about it?
First of all, import.gff is a function from the rtracklayer package,
and not from Gviz. This being said, Gviz utilises the function
internally for building AnnotationTrack objects directly from GFF
files. You may want to check the package vignette for more details on
how to do that. You should be able to provide the path to the GFF
directly to the AnnotationTrack constructor. However, this will not
solve your problem. The error message is fairly explicit. Are you sure
there are no additional comment lines or the like in your file? Can
you read it using read.table? Do all lines really consist of 9 fields?
From: Amel Ghouila
Date: Monday, November 18, 2013 11:37 AM
To: Florian Hahne
Subject: Re: Gviz and Leishmania genomes
Dear Florian,
I am trying to read GFF files (downoladed from tritypDB) with the
import.gff command... but something is not working.
I chked my GFF file have 9 tab-separated columns.
Could you please how should I do to to read a GFF into an
AnnotationTrack object.
Bellow you can find the command I used as well as the error message in
test<- import.gff("./Documents/TriTrypDB-6.0_LmajorFriedlin.gff",
version = "3",genome = "Leishmania major",asRangedData = FALSE)
Erreur dans .local(con, format, text, ...) :
GFF files must have 9 tab-separated columns
I also used the options(ucscChromosomeNames = FALSE) command to let it
accept other genome names.
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Best regards,
Amel Ghouila
2013/11/7 Amel Ghouila
Thank you for your email.
I going to read the whole Gviz Help document.
Best regards,
Amel Ghouila
2013/11/7 Hahne, Florian
Hi Amel,
you can use whatever genome you have. Obviously it will be harder to
download gene models and the like for exotic genomes from places like
UCSC and ENSEMBL, but you don't have to do this. There are many
different options to get your annotations in. I would suggest you read
through the package vignette which hopefully covers everything.
From: Amel Ghouila
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2013 2:52 PM
To: Florian Hahne
Subject: Gviz and Leishmania genomes
Dear Florian,
I am trying to use Gviz for the visualisation of different Leishmania
genomes and other parasitic genomes.
Is it possible with Gviz? Or is it designed only for human genome?
Should I download other specific packages?
Is it possible to retrieve data (coordinates, etc.) from my own input
Thank you in advance for your help
Best regards,
Amel Ghouila
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