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Christian De Santis
Last seen 10.2 years ago
Hi All,
a question about the interpretation of the logFC in limma. I have a
microarray experiment with a common reference (Cy5) design.
I have generated the two matrices in the following manner
design.contrast <- modelMatrix(targets, ref="REF")
contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts (BPCa0-BPCa20, BPCa0-BPCa40,
BPCa0-BPCa60, levels=design.contrast)
and fitted the linear model. No problems there.
The contrast matrix looks like the following:
> contrast.matrix [1:4,1:3]
Levels BPCa0 - BPCa20 BPCa0 - BPCa40 BPCa0 - BPCa60
BPCa0 1 1 1
BPCa20 -1 0 0
BPCa40 0 -1 0
BPCa60 0 0 -1
And the fitted coefficients for those contrasts:
> fit.contrast$coefficients[1:3,1:3]
BPCa0 - BPCa20 BPCa0 - BPCa40 BPCa0 - BPCa60
[1,] -0.07923765 -0.06255957 -0.14165962
[2,] -0.18658108 0.10286377 -0.06617045
[3,] -0.02428776 0.04029805 0.09705064
For no reasons, i assumed that the output value would represent the
log expression of the first group vs the second as in
log(BPCa0/BPCa20) and therefore a negative value would mean
downregulation in the first group compared with the second. I have
evidence, however, to believe that this might not be the case (by
checking the M values)...
Could someone please clarify how do i correctly interpret this fold
change as it is not straight forward for me to extract this
information from the matrix.
Thanks in advance,
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