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khadeeja ismail
Last seen 9.0 years ago
I am working with some 450k array probes which I need to look up in
Geneome browser to see in which type of areas these probes are located
in. For example, if the CpG site (+/- 100kb) overlaps with any of the
following in the GM12878 track.
Layered H3K27Ac
Layered H3K4Me1
Layered H3K4Me3
DNase Clusters
DNase Clusters V1
Txn Fac ChIP V3
Txn Factor ChIP
I would like to do it as batch and not one by one since the list of
probes is long. I have tried querying the GenomeBrowser database and
also the rtracklayer package in R but have not been successful. Would
be great if anyone can give me any ideas on how it can be done.
Thanking you,
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