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Marco Blanchette
Last seen 10.3 years ago
United States/Kansas City/Stowers Instiā¦
Dear all, not sure if this is feasible but one would think it should
I'd like to automate the creation of making transcript database from
gff3/gtf files taken from ftp server without having to download the
annotation. Some of the files (most likely all of them) would be
compressed and would require decompression in line.
I tried using gzcon on a connection and passing it to the
makeTranscriptDbFromGFF() function unsuccessfully. Her is a toy
gff.file <- "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/fungi/current/gff3/schiz
txdb <- makeTranscriptDbFromGFF(gzcon(url(gff.file)),"gff3")
However, the gff3 file can be loaded and stack in memory by
in.mem <- readLines(gzcon(url(gff.file)))
But using read.table() fails with the same error as the
in.mem.2 <- read.table(gzcon(url(gff.file)))
So, I suspect that the issue is the mode of the conniption that is set
to binary that triggers the pushBack error. Must be some way to bypass
Anyhow, having the ability to pass a connection to the
makeTranscriptDbFromGFF() function would be really useful.
-- Marco Blanchette, Ph.D.
Genomic Scientist
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000 East 50th Street
Kansas City MO 64110
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