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Dear list,
This question might be a bit redundant and I apologize for it, if it
is, but I can't find a clear answer to what I'm trying to do.
I am working on a set of 12 expression one-channel arrays.
My target file is basically as follows:
FileName Pairs Groups
Sample1 1 Group1
Sample2 1 Group1
Sample3 1 Group2
Sample4 1 Group2
Sample5 1 Group3
Sample6 1 Group3
Sample7 2 Group1
Sample8 2 Group2
Sample9 2 Group3
Sample10 3 Group1
Sample11 3 Group2
Sample12 3 Group3
There are several parameters to take into account:
- I want to produce all possible pairwise comparisons (Group3-Group2,
Group2-Group1, Group3-Group1): "Groups" column
- I want my design to take into account the paired samples: "Pairs"
- The last thing is that some samples are technical replicates
(Sample1 with Sample2, Sample3 with Sample4, Sample5 with Sample6) and
I would also like to take this into account.
I've read the "8.7 Multi-level experiments" chapter of limma user
guide, which guided me into combining paired data and multiple
comparisons, in which case I would do:
> design <- model.matrix(~0+factor(targets$Groups))
> colnames(design) <- unique(targets$Groups)
> corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(eset,design,block=targets$Pairs)
> fit <-
In theory to take into account technical replicates I would use:
> biolrep <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
> corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(eset, block = biolrep)
> fit <- lmFit(eset, block = biolrep, cor = corfit$consensus)
But how can I combine all of this?
Is there a way to somehow pass both paired and technical replication
information into the duplicateCorrelation step? Or should I modify the
design instead to take into account the paired design?
It is getting quite confusing for me.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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